You can now get a full list of the official TSC advertised Kiswahili internship vacancies per school and county. This will enable you make an informed decision when applying for the vacancies online.

The advertised Kiswahili subject combinations are: Kiswahili/CRE, Kiswahili/History, Kiswahili/Geography, Kiswahili/Maths and Kiswahili French.


See also;

Central Kiambu 147012063049 Gatunguru Sec Kisw/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012063069 Makwa Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Kiambu 147012063048 Nyamathumbi Sec Kisw/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012063097 Gachoka Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Kiambu 147012063067 Kamutua Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Kiambu 147012063032 Karinga Girls Sec Kisw/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012063131 Muthurumbi Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Kiambu 147012063061 Ucekeini Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Kiambu 147012013116 Mai-A-Ihii  Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Kiambu 147012013141 Gatuura  Sec Kisw/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012013053 Mirithu  Sec Kisw/Geo
Central Kiambu 147012013017 Gatamaiyu Boys High  Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Kiambu 147012013125 Magina Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Kiambu 147012013082 Gathirimu Girls T. High School  Sec Kisw/Hist, Bio/Chem
Central Kiambu 147012013003 Kagema Sec Sch Kisw/Hist
Central Kiambu 147012013005 Komothai Boys  Sec Kiswa/Hist
Central Kiambu 147012013083 Komothai T Girls  Sec Kisw/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012013035 Sr. Chief Koinange Girl  Sec Kisw/CRE,  Bio/Chem
Central Kiambu 147012013022 St. Anne’s Sec. -Lioki  Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Kiambu 147012063163 Mwihoko Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Nyandarua 147012043024 Ragia Sec. Kisw/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012043092 Rwanyambo Sec. Kisw/Hist
Central Nyandarua 147012043076 Lake Olbolossat  Sec Kisw/Bst
Central Nyandarua 147012043039 Irigithathi Sec Kisw/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012043053 Kimuri Sec. Kisw/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012043133 Aberdare Ranges Sec. Kisw/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012043031 Silibwet Sec. Kisw/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012043117 Kanguu Sec Kisw/Geo
Central Nyandarua 147012043078 Ruiru Sec Kisw/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012023017 Kiamutugu Boys Kisw/Geo,  Chem/Bio
Central Nyandarua 147012023041 Kagumo Girls Sec. Kisw/Hist
Central Nyandarua 147012023051 Kiamaina Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Nyandarua 147012023039 St Agnes Girls Kiranja  Sec. Kisw/Hist
Central Nyandarua 147012023102 Sacred Heart Kangaita Sec. Kisw/Hist
Central Nyandarua 147012023093 Kianjege West Sec. Kisw/His
Central Nyandarua 147012023026 St. Mary’s Kagio Boys Sec Kisw/Geo
Central Nyandarua 147012023136 Rurii Sec. Kisw/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012073038 Gathungururu  Sec. Kisw/Hist
Central Nyandarua 147012073078 Karung’ang’i Sec. Kisw/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012063016 Gatura Girls’ Kisw/Hist
Central Nyandarua 147012033163 Dr Gitau Matharite Sec Kisw/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012033053 Dr.Kiano Girls Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Nyandarua 147012033067 Kahithe Sec Kisw/Geo
Central Nyandarua 147012033007 Kirogo Boys Kisw/Geo
Central Nyandarua 147012033118 Kiangochi Sec Kisw/Geo
Central Nyandarua 147012033111 Mirira Mixed Sec. Kisw/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012033149 Mihuti Sec Kisw/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012073063 Ikumbi  Sec. Kisw/Geo
Central Nyandarua 147012073136 Kigumo Girls Kiswa/Geo
Central Nyandarua 147012073026 Mwarano Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Nyandarua 147012073064 Rarakwa Girls Kisw/Hist
Central Nyandarua 147012073118 Karugia Sec Kisw/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012073120 Manjuu  Sec Kisw/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012073133 PCEA Mahutia Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Nyandarua 147012073010 St. Mathew Kianyingi Sec Kisw/CRE
Central Nyeri 147012053101 Dr. Kamundia Gthuthi Girls Kisw/CRE
Central Nyeri 147012053140 Gititu Sec Kisw/Geo
Central Nyeri 147012053137 Kihate Orphans Sec Kisw/CRE
Central Nyeri 147012053111 St Georges Gatarakwa Sec Kisw/CRE
Central Nyeri 147012053159 St Regina Nairutia Sec Kisw/Hist
Central Nyeri 147012053218 St.Gregory Karima Mixed Day Kisw/Geo
Coast Lamu 147013033027 Mpeketoni Girls Sec Sch Kisw/Geo
Coast Mombasa 147013043047 Kongowea Mixed Day Sec Sch Kisw/IRE
Coast Kilifi 147013013096 Kawala Mixed Day  Sec Sch Kisw/Hist
Coast Taita Taveta 147013053056 Kombolio Mixed Day Sec Sch Kisw/Hist
Eastern Kitui 147014033007 St. Joseph Mutito Boys Kisw/Hist
Nairobi Nairobi 147011013026 Langata High Boys Boarding Sec Sch Kisw/CRE
North Eastern Mandera 147015023022 Ashabito Girls Sec Sch IRE/Kisw
North Eastern Mandera 147015023052 Daua River Day Sec Sch Kisw/Hist
North Eastern Mandera 147015023054 Tawakal Mixed Day  Sec Sch Ksw/Geo
North Eastern Mandera 147015023057 Haji Yussuf Girls  Day Sec Sch Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Kisii 147016013053 Ikenye PAG Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016013124 Mogonga PAG Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016013038 D.O.K Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Kisii 147016013013 Maiga F.P. Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016013160 Nyabinyinyi Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016013154 Nyangeti DEB Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016013066 Riokindo Girls Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Kisii 147016013133 Kenyerere DOK Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033160 St Alexander Nyamecheo Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Kisii 147016033094 Geturi Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Kisii 147016033095 Botoro ELCK Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033102 Ekerore DEB  Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033170 Sugunana DEB Sec. Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Kisii 147016033053 Bogeche DOK Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Kisii 147016033068 Musa Nyandusi- Gesicho Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Kisii 147016033039 St. Peters Chironge Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023068 Agoro Sare Boys Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083069 Kosele Sec. Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083166 Kokwanyo Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083002 Ober Boys Kisw/Geo, Eng/Lit
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083025 Othoro Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083055 Ringa Girls Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083006 Gendia Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083188 Karabondi Girls Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083179 Mawego Girls Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083198 Ojijo Oteko Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Homa Bay 14701433203 Omindi Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083072 Oyombe Mixed Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083038 St. Benards Otaro Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083169 St. Innocent Jonyo Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023115 Bishop Ochiel Otaro Mixed Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023092 Maguti Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 14701433024 Pap Ndege Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023090 Ruga Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023099 Sero Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023045 Achego Mixed Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023069 Odienya Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023014 Apuoche Mixed Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023006 Mirogi Girls Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023002 St Augustine-Mirogi Boys Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016103045 Kisegi Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016103025 Kamasengre  Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016103063 St. Joseph Olando Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016103068 John Mbadi Koyombe Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016103004 Kakiimba Sec. (In Mfangano Island) Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016103056 Kamato Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063121 Malera Mixed Kisw/Geo, Bio/Chem
Nyanza Migori 147016063059 Machicha Sec. Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Migori 147016063163 Nyasoko Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Migori 14701443275 Tom Mboya Ragana Complex Girls Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063035 Anjego Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063076 Ngege Got Kachacha Sec. Kisw/CRE, Phy/Maths
Nyanza Migori 147016063108 Nyikendo Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063132 Radienya Girls Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Migori 147016063072 St Gema Girls Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063175 Got Kachola Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063189 Othoch-Rakuom Sec. Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Migori 147016063070 Nyamuga Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063107 Lango Arek Sec. Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Migori 147016063216 Kanyimach Sec. Kisw/Hist,
Nyanza Migori 147016063215 St Albert Miyare Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063013 Manyatta SDA Boys Kisw/Hist, Bst/Math
Nyanza Migori 147016063075 Kwoyo Kodalo Mixed Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Migori 147016063117 Awendo Sec. Kisw/CRE, Math/Phy
Nyanza Migori 147016063146 Michele Obama Girls Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Migori 147016063162 Sony Sugar Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063093 St.Timons Rabondo Mixed Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Migori 147016063044 St Michael Piny Owacho Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 14701443278 Gogo Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016053028 Kugisingisi Mixed Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Migori 147016053006 Moi Nyabohanse Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016053012 Nyankore Sec. Kisw/CRE Math/Phy
Nyanza Migori 147016053039 Nyangoge Mixed Kisw/CRE, Eng/Lit
Nyanza Migori 147016053011 Komotobo Sec. Kisw/CRE, Bst/Geo
Nyanza Migori 147016053035 Kionyo Mixed Kisw/Hist, Math/Phy
Nyanza Migori 147016053025 Kwibancha Girls Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016053021 Wangirabo Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016053126 St Francis Assis Siabai Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043211 Renja Mixed Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043074 Bar Korumba Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043177 Kawino Mixed Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043013 Ogada Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043028 Alwala Sec. Kisw/Geo, Eng/Lit
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043048 St Barnabas Girls Kisw/CRE, Maths/Chem
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123002 Ahero Girls Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123097 Apondo Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043043 Arombo Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123074 Okanja Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123100 Arch Bishop Okoth Ochoria Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123098 Padre Pio Masogo Girls Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123067 St Andrews Masara Mixed Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123066 St. Patricks Oduwo Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123016 Mbugra Sec. Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123015 Naki Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123076 Sango Buru Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016113067 Odinga Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Siaya 147016113090 Kanyibok Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016113081 Mbeka Girls Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Siaya 147016113091 Nyawita Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Siaya 147016113003 D.O. Makasembo Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Siaya 147016113054 Kitambo Mixed Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Siaya 147016093098 Kabura Mixed Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Siaya 147016093158 Siaya Central Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093127 Sidok Mixed Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Siaya 147016093076 Sirinde Mixed Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Siaya 147016093159 St Williams Gendro Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093137 Kogere Mixed Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093100 Luanda Kathieno Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093069 St. Stephen Siginga Sec. Kisw/CRE, Agr/Bio,Math/Chem
Nyanza Siaya 147016093048 Udira Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093001 Ambira Boys Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093134 Ulwani Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093123 Ramula Mixed Kisw//Geo
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073185 Egetonto Sec. Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073137 Matongo Lutheran Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073181 Nsicha DEB Mixed Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073195 Gitwebe DEB Mixed Kisw/Geo
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073138 Ekenyoro Tech Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073110 Nyachururu Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073131 St. Philips Rateti Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073153 Mogusii Mixed Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073059 St. Mathias Mulumba Sec. Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073157 Tindereti DEB Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073067 Kebirichi Sec. Kisw/Hist
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073068 Kiabiraa Sec. Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017013046 Sangarau Girls Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Baringo 147017013078 Seretunin Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017013035 Timboiywo Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017063071 Lelgel  Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017063019 Torongo Girls Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Baringo 147017013037 Perkerra Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Baringo 147017063050 Kaplelwo Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023021 Chesoen Boys High School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023037 Kanusin Boys Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023065 Solyot Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023004 Kabungut Boys Sec Kisw//CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023093 Cheboin Secondary School Kisw/CRE,Eng/Lit
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023100 Emitiot Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023040 Kiromwok Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023156 Lelkatet Secondary School Kis/Geo
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023147 Longisa Mixed Day Secondary  School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023134 Sigowet Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023227 Chebelion Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023131 Chelelach Mixed Secondary  School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023115 Chepnyaliliet Secondary School Kisw/Hist,
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023081 Goitabsilibwet Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023194 Kamogiboi Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023146 Kataret Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023234 Kimatisio Day Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023210 Samoei Ngwonet Girls Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023152 St. Thomas Reberwet Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023244 Boito Day Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023230 Chemelet Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017183073 Cheptabach Mixed Day Secondary School Kis/His
Rift Valley Baringo 14701363285 Kapchepkole Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023198 Kaproret Day Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Baringo 147017183101 Kipraisi Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023204 Tuiyobei Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023097 Akshar Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Baringo 147017183015 Chepkosiom Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023139 Kapkoitim Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023047 Kaptulwa Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023110 Lorna Laboso Memorial Girls Secondary School – Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023102 Mosonik Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017033041 Biwott Mixed  Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017033133 Chepsamo Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017033131 Muskut Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017033024 Soy Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017033134 Teber St. Benedict Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017033058 Turesia Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017083036 Kipkaner Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017083042 Sambirir Boys Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017083047 Kaberewo Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017083044 St. Mark’s Mixed Day Secondary School –  Litei Kisw/Hist,
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017083003 St. Peter’s Marakwet Boys Secondary School Kisw/CRE,
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017043046 Meto Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017043035 Namanga Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet NEW Imbaruetin Community Complex Sec Sch Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017043174 Kimana Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017043050 Namelok Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053020 Chemamul Boys Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053325 Chemamul Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053007 Sosiot Girls Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183023 Kapkisiara Girls Secondary School Kisw/CRE, Hist/CRE,
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183094 Kamanamsim Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183071 Kapchelach Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183055 Kapkarin Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053337 Kiptororgo Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053146 Lalagin Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183057 Ngesumin Girls Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053031 A.I.C. Telanet Girls Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Kericho NEW Ainapsosiot Mixed Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053038 Kaptebeswet Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053027 Chepkechei Boys Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053081 Kasheen Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053078 Lesirwo Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053122 Magire Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053145 Kiletien Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053315 Kimugul Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053080 Masaita Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053136 Kapchebwai Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053049 Soliat Boys Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Laikipia 147017073030 Bingwa Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Laikipia 147017073066 Majani Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Laikipia 147017073093 Survey Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Laikipia 147017073172 Kundarilla Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093196 Coulson Girls Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093150 Eburru Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Nakuru NEW Kariandusi Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093066 Karunga Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093010 Koelel High School Kisw/CRE, Math/Phy
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093348 Chesirikwo Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093376 Kipkewa Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093315 Kipsonoi Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093372 Korao Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093302 Moto Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw /CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093334 Mwangi Michuki Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093008 Mary Mount Girls Secondary Kisw/CRE,Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093056 Kiambogo Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093152 Ndabibi Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093035 Flamingo Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/CRE, Bst/Geo
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093026 Rhino Mixed Day Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093047 Dundori Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093087 Ndungiri Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093244 Olbonata Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093057 Crater View Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093367 Kaptich Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093362 Lusiru Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093021 Njoro Day Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093004 Njoro Girls Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093146 Bomassan Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093148 Muhigia Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093230 St. Paul Kiriko Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103145 A.I.C. Kipkongorwo Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103117 A.I.C. Mutwot Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103042 Kapchepkok Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103035 Kaptildil Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103031 Kombe Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103064 Ngechek Secondary School Kisw/CRE, Math/Geo
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103011 St. Pauls Kaptel Girls Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103061 St. Stephens Kiptuiya Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103095 Kabirirsang Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103047 Kamobo Secondary School Kisw/Geo, Math/Bio
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103018 Kapchemoiywo Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103127 Kipsotoi Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103078 Ndubeneti Secondary School Kisw/Hist, Math/Bio
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103030 Terige Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103119 A.I.C Siwo Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193101 Cheptabach Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193027 Kabote Adv. Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193074 Ol’lessos Day Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193022 Sochoi Boys Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103148 St. John’s Mixed Secondary School – Chepkunyuk Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103107 A.I.C. Kimong Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103059 Kibigobe Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103013 Kurgung Boys Secondary School Kisw/CRE, Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103076 St. Brigitta Girls Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103027 Stephen Kositany Girls Secondary School Kisw/Geo, Math/Chem
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103019 Tulwo Girls Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193049 Banja Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193030 Chemobo Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193038 Fr. Mair Girls Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193088 Kamimei Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193007 Kapkolei Girls Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193016 Kapkures Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193040 Kaptumek Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193009 Koyo Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193001 Serem Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193050 St. Marys Kipchemwon Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Nandi 147017193037 St. Mary’s Tachasis Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Narok 147017113159 Enabelibel Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Narok 147017113056 Enooseyia Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Narok NEW Kimelok Secondary Sch Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Narok 147017113001 Narok High School Kisw/Hist, Phy/Math, Geo/CRE
Rift Valley Narok 147017113009 Olasiti Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Narok 147017113019 Saleita Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Narok 147017113004 St. Anthony Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Narok 147017113173 Emorijoi Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Narok 147017113013 Mogoyuet Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Narok 147017113005 Moi Naikarra Secondary School Kisw/CRE, Eng/Lit,
Rift Valley Narok 147017113014 Ngiito Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Geo, Eng/Lit,
Rift Valley Narok 147017113015 Ololulunga Boys Secondary School Kisw/Hist, Bio/Agric,
Rift Valley Narok 147017113160 Oloomirani Girls Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Narok 147017113154 Sekenani Girls Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Narok 147017133148 Chebitoik Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Narok 147017133009 Murkan Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE, Math/Geo
Rift Valley Narok 147017133150 Sosiana Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Narok 147017133031 Mashangwa Day Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Narok 147017133013 Oldonyo Orok Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Narok 147017133157 Olorukoti Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Samburu NEW Baawa Mixed Day Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Samburu 147017123030 Sirata Oirobi Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143103 Andersen High School Kisw/Hist, Bio/Chem
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143067 Kimwondo Day Secondary School Kisw/Hist, Eng/Lit
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143022 St. Barnabas Girls Secondary School  – Sabwani Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143068 Hilario Wekhonye Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143017 Nabunga S.A. Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143217 St. Thomas Aquinas Mixed Secondary School – Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143231 St. Veronica Weonia Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143110 A.I.C. Lessos Day Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143202 Bahati – Munyaka Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143148 Benon Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143176 Karara Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143140 Moi University Secondary School – Taito Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143011 PCEA – Kapsara Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143114 Seum Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143153 St. Francis Suwerwa Girls Secondary School Kisw/CRE, Math/Bst
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143173 St. Paul’s Kapchepsir Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143075 Yuya Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143144 Bishop Crowley Lukesi Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist, Math/Bst
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143196 Chepkoilel Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143225 Cheptumbelio Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143203 Kinyoro Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143201 Soil Conservation Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE, Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143071 St Thomas Aquinas Secondary School – Kapretwa Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143105 St. Athanas Kissawai Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE, Geo/Bst
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143098 St. Philips Tuyoo Secondary School – Koony Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley 147017153028 David Lee Adventist Nagis Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017153040 Kelemunyang Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017153017 PAG Lodwar Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Turkana 147017153014 S.A. Nawoitorong Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017153035 Lotubae Girls Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017153047 Ngamia One Kochodin Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017153010 R.C.E.A Lokori Boys Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Turkana 147017153022 Kataboi Girls Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017153021 St. Josephs Lapur Boys Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017153034 Kakalel Boys Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017153038 Kaputir Secondary School Kisw/Hist, Eng/Lit
Rift Valley Turkana 147017153037 Kalobeyei Sec Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163157 A.I.C. Kiluka Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163001 Moi Girls High School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163032 Rurigi Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Geo, Music
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163080 Chepkongony C.O.C Sec Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163095 Songoliet Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163116 Chagaiya Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163057 Moi Chuiyat Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163025 Hill Girls Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 14701273172 Kiptega Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163191 Matharu Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163118 Saroiyot Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Turkana 1.47017E+11 St.Catherines Girls-Kesses Kisw/Geo,Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163058 Eldoret G.K. High School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163047 Kemeliet Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163184 R.C.E.A. Koitoror Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163019 St. Anthony Moiben Boys Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163051 St. Joseph Kapnasu Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163033 St. Mary`s Kapsiliot Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163111 Tachasis Girls Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163093 Toloita Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163185 A.I.C. Kamoiywa Secondary School Kisw/Hist,
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163147 A.I.C. Ndabarnach Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163035 Moi’s Bridge Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163138 Ngeny Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163029 R.C.E.A. Kuinet Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163098 Sisyobei Adventist Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163042 St. Joseph’s Mobett Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163089 St. Peter’s Kapkoren Secondary School Kisw/Geo, Bst/Math
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163074 St. Peter’s Natwana Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163156 A.C.K. St John Sigowet Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163169 A.I.C. Leseru Girls Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163041 Christ The King Sambut Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163017 Paul Boit Boys Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163154 Sokyot Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163097 St. Anthony Boinet Mixed Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163003 Turbo Girls Secondary School Kisw/Hist, Math/Phy
Rift Valley West Pokot 147017173097 E.L.C.K. Endow Mixed Secondary School Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley West Pokot 147017173008 Chepkorniswo Boys Secondary School Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley West Pokot 147017173079 St. Anthony Chepturngony Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley West Pokot 147017173075 St. Bakhita Girls Secondary School – Karon Kisw/Hist
Rift Valley West Pokot 147017173013 St. Albert Kamito Boys Secondary School Kisw/Hist
Western Kakamega 147018043254 Malinya Girls Sec School Kisw/Geo