The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has postponed the County based TPAD2 training sessions for teachers. The exercise that has been running for the past few weeks has now been halted as a result of the spiraling covid19 infection rates among the teachers.

Teachers who were hoping to be inducted on the new TSC appraisal system will now have to wait a little bit longer.

“Following the upsurge of the Covid-19 disease in the County with reported Cases amongst our teachers in the County, the Commission has with immediate effect stopped all scheduled TPAD Training for Principals, Headteachers and teachers.” Reads a memo sent by Laikipia County TSC Director, Mrs. Murrey.

So far, over 30 teachers have succumbed to the killer disease since schools were reopened for form four, class eight and grade four learners.

She is directing that the exercise shall resume only upon advise and that all other activities/meetings that require gathering be equally cancelled and instead encourages virtual meetings.

She warns of dire consequences should the directive be defied by Sub County Directors.

“This directive should be taken with the seriousness it deserves. Observance of the MOH Protocol on the containment of the Covid-19 MUST be observed at all times in and outside the working stations.” She reiterates.

TSC memo postponing the TPAD2 training exercise in Laikipia County.
TSC memo postponing the TPAD2 training exercise in Laikipia County.

TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia on Monday ordered teachers aged 58 years and above together with those with pre-existing conditions to stay at home. Macharia said that it is a Presidential directive and the teachers will not be sacked for staying at home.

“As this is a presidential directive, your employers will not sack you. The TSC has negotiated for teachers to be covered for Covid-19-related illnesses.” She told the media on Monday.

In other Counties the exercise has already been concluded. For instance, about 500 teachers, school heads and principals were successfully trained in Nyamira South Sub County; found in Nyamira County. Primary school teachers were trained for on November 12th and 13th at Kebirigo Boys High School with their secondary school counterparts being inducted on November 16th and 17th; at the same venue.

The exercise was presided by the TSC County Director in Nyamira, Wilson Koros. He said the Commission was taking the appraisals serious and future promotions will entirely depend on an individual teacher’s TPAD performance.

TSC invitation memo to the TPAD2 training sessions at Kebirigo Boys High School in Nyamira County.
TSC invitation memo to the TPAD2 training sessions at Kebirigo Boys High School in Nyamira County.

During the training, participants were taken through the process of creating new TPAD2 accounts and the elaborate appraisal process.


In case you need any guides to the TPAD2 system, then check in the links below;

  1. How you can easily Create a TPAD 2 Account and Log in to

2. How you can create new TSC TPAD Account ( for self Evaluation

3. TSC- Procedure for Scheduling an Appraisal Rating Meeting online at the TPAD 2 portal

4. How you can undertake Lesson Observation in the TPAD 2 Online System

5. TSC- How you should capture learner progress records on TPAD 2

6. TPAD 2 Portal Guide; How the Appraiser (Deputy Head) is to assess teachers

7. TSC- How you can easily fill the TPAD 2 form online.

8. How to fill weekly lesson attendance data for all teachers in the new TPAD 2 online system: TSC Guides.

9. New TPAD 2 ( forms free download: Collection of all TPAD forms

10. Calendar of Activities for the New TPAD 2 per term: Free TSC Forms downloads

11. TSC Lesson Observation Form for teachers: New TPAD 2 free forms downloads.

12. TSC Lesson Observation Form for teachers: New TPAD 2 free forms downloads.

13. New TPAD 2 Lesson Recovery Schedule form: Free Lesson Recovery Form.

14. New TPAD 2 Lesson Attendance Summary Sheet: Free Form Download.

15. A checklist of all Professional Documents to be prepared by Teachers in the New TPAD 2: Free Checklist Form Download.

16. The new Teachers’ Performance Appraisal Form (New TPAD 2 Form) Free download and guide.

17. TSC TPAD2 portal for School Head Teacher, Principal;

18. TSC TPAD 2 Lesson attendance data for teachers; Procedure;

19. TSC TPAD 2 form; Offline filling using excel;

20. TSC TPAD 2 system account login and dashboard navigation guide;

21. TSC TPAD 2; How to reach agreement on Appraisee and Appraiser marks plus countersigning;

22. TSC TPAD 2 system reports; TPAD, TPD, Lesson Attendance, Appraisal and Learner Progress Reports;