A total of 22 Head Teachers have been moved from Kisii County to the neighbouring Nyamira County. This is in line with the Commission’s policy on delocalization. A quick check on those moved shows that all of them are natives of Kisii County.

The Commission kicked off the delocalization exercise in January, 2018. Other massive deployments would then follow in April, August and December of the same year. Though in April, 2019 the Commission slowed down the transfers as only a handful administrators were moved.

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Those moved are heads and principals and their deputies serving in their home counties and those who have served in the same station for a long period. Also on the move are new administrators who were appointed after the just concluded interviews. Over 2,00 Principals have been redeployed in the December 2019 exercise.

TSC Chief Executive Officer Dr Nancy Njeri Macharia.
TSC Chief Executive Officer Dr Nancy Njeri Macharia.

For all lists of transferred Heads, Principals and their deputies plus teachers, Visit the link below:

Teachers with medical conditions have been spared from the ongoing delocalization exercise. Also spared are teachers aged above 56 years and those set to retire.

Here is the full list of Head Teachers from Kisii County that have been transferred in December 2019;

S/NO NAME SCHOOL Perfomance for the last 3 yrs SPONSOR HOME COUNTY WORK
2016 2017 2018
1 Kerama Yobesh Nyakundi Mosache S.D.A. Primary School 261 241 222 S.D.A Kisii Kisii Nyamira
2 Nyatwanga James Okemwa Itongo Primary School 234 246 234 SDA Kisii Kisii Nyamira
3 Omari Denis Nyonsia Pri Sch 267.28 282.22 290.59 DOK Kisii Kisii Nyamira
4 Obwoto John Obure Oriangi D.o.k Pri Sch 244 256.78 252.78 Catholic Kisii Kisii Nyamira
5 Nyoimbo Francis Omanga Ibacho Primary School 230.32 209.92 242.65 DEB Kisii Kisii Nyamira
6 Mbaka Daniel Amenya Nchoro Primary School 188.25 194.66 217.98 S.D.A Kisii Kisii Nyamira
7 Okari Luke Nyabuto Bombaba Primary School 240 234 237 DOK Kisii Kisii Nyamira
8 Onchiri Stephine Momanyi Otamba Pri Sch 192.78 185.85 184.18 DOK Kisii Kisii Nyamira
9 Kebisa Nicholas Mangana Kanyimbo Pri Sch 256.4 236.85 253.57 DOK Kisii Kisii Nyamira
10 Onkoba Richard Somini Manywanda ‘B’  D.O.K. Primary School 243.02 246.27 209.28 Catholic Kisii Kisii Nyamira
11 Okemwa Henry Nyabuto Marongo Primary School 275.6 274.36 249.86 PAG Kisii Kisii Nyamira
12 Obara Simeon Ombiru Rianyabaro Pri Sch 249.37 230.44 257.76 D.E.B Kisii Kisii Nyamira
13 Masankwa Henry Mageto Raisoe Pri Sch 202.49 175.32 184.65 DOK Kisii Kisii Nyamira
14 Osoro Gilbert Riabigutu Pri Sch 231.25 249.04 238 DEB Kisii Kisii Nyamira
15 Oino Abel Nyagesa Primary School 250.7 261.58247.3 247.3 ELCK Kisii Kisii Nyamira
16 Ontiri Kiefa Moseti Itare Deb  Pry 233.58 204.82 233.8 PEFA Kisii Kisii Nyamira
17 Mokaya Charles Riabamanyi  S.D.A Primary  School 238.04 266.35 345 SDA Kisii Kisii Nyamira
18 Omwocha Mellen Kemunto Itumbe Primary School 216.64 225.96 252.39 DEB Kisii Kisii Nyamira
19 Nyandondi Isaac Nyabuto Giosari Primary School 275.52 297.26 308.7 DEB Kisii Kisii Nyamira
20 Nyambane Elkana Oichoe Kiongeti D.E.B Primary School 216.47 222.13 250.86 DEB Kisii Kisii Nyamira
21 Makori Kenneth Machuki F. Orogare Primary School 272.88 268.98 278.35 DOK Kisii Kisii Nyamira
22 Mose Enock Anara Keberesi Primary School 284.26 264.52 258.83 DEB Kisii Kisii Nyamira


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